When you realize you’ll never fit it all in, what do you focus on?
dying over the Sylvia simon comment😂
The truth hurts, MB.
Cheers to making ourselves the biggest rock. I'm tired of being a pebble in someone else's container.
Hear! Hear!
Wow-to that Toni Morrison quote as well as the double breasted blazer.
I assumed Covey was going to encourage Elizabeth to let some of the tiny rocks fall where they may: but , alas, she managed to cram them all in…..
I, for one, have been trying to NOT cram the tiny rocks in as of late-a hard thing to make myself do…
Thank you for this, Kate-sharing with 4 billion friends that need it like I just did.
I love that you lumped Toni Morrison and the double-breasted blazer into the same exclamation. I hope your art is one of your biggest rocks in 2023, Katie.
dying over the Sylvia simon comment😂
The truth hurts, MB.
Cheers to making ourselves the biggest rock. I'm tired of being a pebble in someone else's container.
Hear! Hear!
Wow-to that Toni Morrison quote as well as the double breasted blazer.
I assumed Covey was going to encourage Elizabeth to let some of the tiny rocks fall where they may: but , alas, she managed to cram them all in…..
I, for one, have been trying to NOT cram the tiny rocks in as of late-a hard thing to make myself do…
Thank you for this, Kate-sharing with 4 billion friends that need it like I just did.
I love that you lumped Toni Morrison and the double-breasted blazer into the same exclamation. I hope your art is one of your biggest rocks in 2023, Katie.